Category Archive: Cloud Foundry

  1. Sample Apps for Cloud Foundry

    Working on the Java Buildpack means lots of testing with unit (over 99% coverage) and integration tests but we also have a suite of sample applications to do complete system wide testing. They are all tested during our CI builds and might be useful for people that want to play around with different application types […]

  2. Configuring the Cloud Foundry Java Buildpack

    Until now the preferred way to make changes to the Java Buildpack has been to fork it and edit one of the yaml files in the config directory. If a bigger change is required then the code has to be edited directly. For a configuration change forking can be a pain so there is a […]

  3. Session Replication on Cloud Foundry

      I’ve done a short blog post about the new support for using Redis to do session replication on Cloud Foundry with the Java Buildpack. It’s been posted over on the Pivotal Blog, give it a read.

  4. Cloud Foundry Video Shorts

    Firstly, CloudFoundry has a shiny new logo. It’s a little more abstract, harder to understand at first glance but I like it, much cleaner. I’ve done two short videos demoing some new features in the Cloud Foundry Java Buildpack with my finest monotone voice. The first is about using New Relic, it’s now easy. Bind […]

  5. Checking in Bower dependencies

    I’ve seen a few places recommending that the bower_components folder should be checked in to your version control system. This is wrong, it will just add unnecessary bloat to your repo and risk your dependencies going stale. The only good reason I think of is to avoid having to run bower install all the time […]

  6. NodeJS on Cloudfoundry – New Buildpack

    Since my last post about monitoring NodeJS applications on CF (CloudFoundry) things have changed, both the NodeJS and CF worlds are fast moving ones. The default Node buildpack is currently a fork of the Heroku one, so most things explained here are relevant to Heroku as well. You no longer require a special buildpack to […]